
On Couple Therapy

Life Post-Covid

Now that life is returning to normal, what are the next steps for a happy, healthy and productive summer and fall. While we are all relieved that the Covid crisis is now more in control, it is still not over. Some people are not vaccinated and children are still not [...]

Silver Linings in the Pandemic

The last few months have been very hard for most of us. Some people have gotten quite sick. Others have been able to avoid sickness but are riddled with anxiety. There are, however, some silver linings. Now that we're learning to navigate the pandemic, many people are beginning to see [...]

On Divorce Coaching

Can I Achieve an Amiable Divorce?

In the best of circumstances, divorce is difficult. It is right near the top on the stress scale . But it doesn’t have to be a disaster. There are ways to keep the stress manageable and make the process aimable. One of those ways is to enter into the Collaborative [...]

Divorce and Loss

In divorce, when a child has two involved parents, that child develops a life that of his or her own that doesn't involve both parents. Each parent must learn to tolerate the loss of knowing everything that is going on for their child. It is so hard to realize that [...]

On Children

Life Post-Covid

Now that life is returning to normal, what are the next steps for a happy, healthy and productive summer and fall. While we are all relieved that the Covid crisis is now more in control, it is still not over. Some people are not vaccinated and children are still not [...]

Can I Achieve an Amiable Divorce?

In the best of circumstances, divorce is difficult. It is right near the top on the stress scale . But it doesn’t have to be a disaster. There are ways to keep the stress manageable and make the process aimable. One of those ways is to enter into the Collaborative [...]

On Mediation


Generosity is the key to a happy separation. Most couples who are in the process of separating struggle with generosity. That is actually very understandable, as the process of separation is very difficult and often brings out the worst in people. At this time, individuals are generally quite angry with [...]

Blended Families

After divorce, people frequently re-couple and create blended families. There are many issues that arise in these new family constellations, some of which can be difficult to navigate. One of the most difficult issues in blended families is how to integrate a new step parent so it works for the [...]

On Parent Coordination

Why Co-Parent?

Why do parents want to co-parent after divorce ? Usually they don't, but they have no choice! The truth is that many would prefer not, but that's not realistic. When parents separate or divorce, usually both parents want to care for their children. Both parents are usually aware that it [...]

Homes Don’t Break

In the past week, two clients talked to me about "broken homes". One woman told me that she came from a broken home and now, as she divorces, her son will have the same burden. When I asked this woman what it meant to her that she came from a [...]

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